job offer

UGent Medical Physics Radiology: open position for a research/teaching assistant

Jan Vandecasteele

In the division of Medical Physics we have an open position for a research/teaching assistant.

This position combines research in patient and staff radiation protection in vascular surgery, as well as the support of practical sessions for a number of (basic) (medical) physics courses.

More information can be found here (deadline July 2nd). As candidates should have sufficient knowledge of Dutch, the vacancy info is only available in Dutch.

If you want more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Klaus Bacher Klaus Bacher

Afdelingshoofd Medische Fysica

Voorzitter Hoge Gezondheidsraad – sectie ioniserende straling

T +32 9 264 66 44

M +32 486 35 44 27

 Vakgroep Structuur en Herstel van de Mens

Afdeling Medische Fysica

Campus Proeftuin, N7, Proeftuinstraat 86, 9000 Gent